Spring 2022 Work Schedules and Vaccine Booster Shot Reminder

Sent: January 2, 2022
From: Provost and Administrator-in-Charge Vincent Del Casino, Jr.

Dear Colleagues,

Welcome to 2022! I hope that everyone has had an enjoyable and restful winter break. As the new year begins, we are still faced with challenges due to the pandemic that began two years ago. The 菠菜网lol正规平台 leadership team continues to follow public health guidelines and monitor the ever-changing environment with COVID-19 and, now, the Omicron variant. While I know we are all weary of the pandemic, we must continue to adapt and to work together to keep our campus community safe by following vaccination requirements and other health and safety measures. 

As we move forward towards spring semester, employees should return to work on Monday, January 3, based on their approved work schedules and modalities. Please remember to use the 菠菜网lol正规平台 COVID-19 Symptom Check Tool before coming to campus. If you traveled over break, we encourage you to test for COVID-19 prior to returning to campus. Should you test positive, please report this immediately through the Report a Case portal and contact our Leaves specialists (Yazmin Perez, ext. 4-2155 or Elizabeth Munoz, ext. 4-2148) who will guide you on next steps and protocols you should follow. 

Faculty who are teaching winter session courses may consult with their respective Dean about the instruction method for early January. Our spring class schedule, including the January 26 start date for in-person instruction, remains unchanged at this time. That said, if external circumstances warrant changes, we will share updates via email and social media as soon as possible. Details of all our COVID-related safety protocols remain as outlined in our December 22 message to campus, although there could be adjustments as the CDC and the California and Santa Clara County public health departments assess isolation and quarantine periods and any other pertinent safety measures. 

In the meantime, if you have not done so already, please get your booster shot as soon as you are eligible. As announced just before break, CSU now requires faculty, staff and students who are accessing university facilities or programs to receive a vaccine booster shot in order to be fully immunized against COVID-19 and remain in compliance with the university's COVID-19 vaccination policy. The requirement, subject to bargaining for represented employees, calls for boosters to be received by February 28, 2022, or six months after an individual received the final dose of Pfizer or Moderna or more than two months after a Johnson & Johnson vaccination, whichever is later. 

Faculty and staff may report their booster status at the Self-Service Attestation page in 菠菜网lol正规平台 @ Work. Student employees should report their booster status through the student portal. For questions about this requirement and uploading your information, please contact UP-vaccine-mgmt@yopin365.com. For those employees with an exemption, testing requirements remain in place with testing protocols resuming the week of January 10.  

Thank you so much for your continued efforts to keep our community and campus safe in 2022.
